Coptic Feasts and Fasts
Feasts & Fasts Dates by Year:
Seven Major Feasts of the Lord
- Feast of the Annunciation (29 Paremhotep)
- Feast of the Nativity (29 Kiahk)
- Feast of the Epiphany / Theophany (11 Tobe)
- Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
- Glorious Feast of the Resurrection
- Feast of the Ascension
- Feast of the Pentecost
Seven Minor Feasts of the Lord
- Feast of the Circumcision (6 Tobe)
- Flight of the Holy Family to Egypt (24 Pashons)
- Presentation of the Lord into the Temple (8 Meshir)
- Miracle at the Wedding of Cana in Galilee (13 Tobe)
- Transfiguration (13 Mesri)
- Covenant Thursday
- Thomas Sunday
Other Feasts
- Nayrouz Feast (Coptic New Year)
- Jonah’s (Nineveh) Feast
- Feast of the Cross (Two Feasts)
- 17 Thoout – Three day feast that runs from 17 – 19 Thoout
- 10 Paremhotep
- Feast of the Apostles (Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul)
Monthly Fasts
- 29th of Every Coptic Month – Commemoration of the Three Major Feasts of the Lord: the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Resurrection of the Lord.
- 21st of Every Coptic Month – Commemoration of St. Mary, the Theotokos (Mother of God)
- 12th of Every Coptic Month -Commemoration of the honorable Archangel Michael the Head of the Heavenly
- Nativity Fast and its Paramoun
- Paramoun of the Feast of Epiphany or Theophany
- Jonah’s (Nineveh) Fast
- Holy Great Fast
- Apostles’ Fast (Day following the
- Feast of the Pentecost to July 11)
- St. Mary’s Fast (August 7-August 21)
Weekly Fasts
Wednesday and Friday: Wednesday in commemoration of Christ’s betrayal by Judas Iscariot and Friday, in commemoration of the crucifixion of the Lord Christ. These fasts are observed throughout the year with the exception of during the Holy Fifty Days (Easter to Pentecost) and any day where a Major Feast of the Lord falls on a Wednesday or Friday.