Precautions and Updates

Government of Canada

Prevention and Risks for Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

COVID-19 Diocese Updates


Government of Ontario Guidelines:

**Please note all text has been taken directly form the Government of Ontario Website**

The Government of Ontario has placed a new framework for COVID19 measures. There are now five levels of restrictions:

  1. Green – Prevent
  2. Yellow -Protect
  3. Orange – Restrict
  4. Red – Control
  5. Grey – Lockdown

For more information about what each level entails and what level your region has been assigned click the link below:

Beginning Dec.26.2020 all of Ontario will be on Lockdown (Grey) for 28 days.

Click the link for all COVID-19 information regarding preventing precautions, testing and phase(s) for the Government of Ontario:


Government of Manitoba:

**Please note all text has been taken directly form the Government of Manitoba Website**

Manitobia has a four Level #RestartMB Pandemic Response System:

  1. Critical Level – Community spread of COVID-19 is not contained and/or there are significant strains on our health care system
  2. Restricted Level – Community transmission of COVID-19 is occurring
  3. Caution Level – Community transmission is at low levels
  4. Limited Risk Level – The spread of COVID-19 is broadly contained. Vaccine and/or effective treatment for COVID-19 are available.

Click the link for more information about the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System:

Click here for the current Level the Province of Manitoba:


Government of Saskatchewan:

**Please note all text has been taken directly form the Government of Saskatchewan Website**

Most recent (December 25, 2020) Public Health Measures:

Click the link for all COVID-19 information regarding preventing precautions, testing and phase(s) for the Government of Saskatchewan:


Government of Alberta:

**Please note all text has been taken directly form the Government of Alberta Website**

Please visit link for current health measures placed by the Government of Alberta:

For full details to reopen Alberta please click the link:

Click the link for all COVID-19 information regarding preventing precautions, testing and phase(s) for the Government of Alberta:

British Columbia

Government of British Columbia:

**Please note all text has been taken directly form the Government of British Columbia Website**

As of December 17, 2020 the Province of British Columbia has order Province-wide restrictions. For more information please see the link below:

More Information on British Columbia’s Restart Plan:

Click the link for all COVID-19 information regarding preventing precautions, testing and phase(s) for the Government of British Columbia:

Canada COVID-19

Health Canada in partnership with Thrive Health has created the Canada COVID-19 app.

This app is a central resource for accessing personalized, trusted, evidence-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updates will be made as guidelines evolve to ensure that you are assessed with the most up to date recommendations.

Canada COVID-19

Health Canada in partnership with Thrive Health has created the Canada COVID-19 app.

This app is a central resource for accessing personalized, trusted, evidence-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Updates will be made as guidelines evolve to ensure that you are assessed with the most up to date recommendations.